Bibliotecas JavaScript e AJAX

  • jQuery
    jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.
  • Prototype
    Prototype is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications.
    Prototype and You Never Knew JavaScript Could Do This! (448 p.), livro por Christophe Porteneuve, dezembro 2007, ISBN: 9781934356012.
    Scriptaculous provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly.
  • Rico
    JavaScript for Rich Internet Applications.
  • TIBCO General Interface
    General Interface is an open source project focused on enabling rapid creation of reliable Ajax applications, components and portlets with the look and feel of desktop graphical user interface applications. General Interface is aligned with the industry movement towards HTTP data services. Accordingly General Interface is intended to communicate with XML, SOAP, JavaScript and other HTTP accessible services both at a simple level or as part of larger SOA implementation.
  • Dojo Toolkit
    Dojo Core: Ajax, events, packaging, CSS-based querying, animations, JSON, language utilities, and a lot more. All at 24K (gzipped).
    Dijit: Skinnable, template-driven widgets with accessibility and localization built right in the way you want it. From accordions to tabs, we have you covered.
    DojoX: Inventive and innovative code and widgets. Visualize your data with grids and charts. Take your apps offline. Cross-browser vector drawing. And a lot more.
  • Qooxdoo
    qooxdoo is a comprehensive and innovative Ajax application framework. Leveraging object-oriented JavaScript allows developers to build impressive cross-browser applications. No HTML, CSS nor DOM knowledge is needed.
    It includes a platform-independent development tool chain, a state-of-the-art GUI toolkit and an advanced client-server communication layer. It is open source under an LGPL/EPL dual license.
  • Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI)
    The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.
  • Ext JS
    Ext JS is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building rich internet applications. Features: High performance, customizable UI widgets; Well designed, documented and extensible Component model; Commercial and Open Source licenses available.
    Ext GWT is a Java library for building rich internet applications with GWT. Features: Native GWT solution with no external JavaScript; Full remote procedure support using GWT RPC, JSON, and XML; Commercial and Open Source licenses available.
  • Ajax em Java - colet�nea de refer�ncias [Em Portugu�s]
    Por M�rcio d'�vila, 2008-04-27.

Componentes DHTML

Menu & Treeview HTML Dinâmico em JavaScript

  • xFX DHTML Menu Builder - Standard/Developers/LITE (comercial)
    Com DHTML Menu Builder, menus DHTML completos podem ser constru�dos, em quest�o de minutos, sem escrever uma s� linha de c�digo; n�o requer plug-ins especiais nem conhecimento de programa��o ou HTML. Os menus gereados pelo DHTML Menu Builder s�o 100% compat�veis com: Internet Explorer 4, 5, 5.5 e 6.0, Netscape Navigator 4, 6 e 7, Mozilla, Opera 7, Safari e Konqueror em Windows, OS/2, Mac e Linux. A interface � �nica e muito intuitiva de forma que todo seu trabalho � concentrado no projeto da estrutura de seus menus pulldown. Por xFX JumpStart.
    DHTML Menu Builder versions comparison. I dare you....
  • Dynarch Menu (comercial/gratuito)
    Biblioteca para cria��o de menu horizontal, vertical e de contexto, bem como barra de ferramentas (toolbar). Definido em HTML puro e com uso avan�ado de CSS, suporta todos os navegadores comuns, pode ser totalmente configurado e personalizado. Principais recursos: exibi��o entre frames, "peles" (skins) / temas, navega��o pelo teclado, �cones PNG, caixas de sele��o e bot�es de r�dio, itens desabilitados, rolagem (scroll) de menus extensos (com muitos itens).
    Desde a vers�o 2.7, DynarchMenu pode ser usado gratuitamente, para fins n�o comerciais, desde que haja um link para a Dynarch.
  • OpenCube - Visual Quick Menu & Infinite Menus (comercial)
  • Accessible Website Menu: Ultimate Drop Down Menu (comercial/gratuito)
    List-based Semantic DHTML Menu. Gratuito para organiza��es sem fins lucrativos.
  • AllWebMenus PRO/LITE (comercial)
    AllWebMenus � uma ferramenta profissional de constru��o de menu web que n�o requer de voc� absolutamente nenhuma experi�ncia em DHTML ou Javascript. Ele cria menus de navega��o multi-browser que funcionam similarmente em todos os navegadores suportando DHTML. Um menu pode ser vertical ou horizontal, pop-up ou drop down, posi��o fixa ou m�vel; ele pode conter imagens, bordas, cores e muito mais. AllWebMenus possui uma completa ferramenta gr�fica de desenvolvimento (rodando em Windows) para editar, testar, compilar e efetivar seus menus. Por Likno Software.
  • Milonic - DHTML Menu (comercial)
    Por Milonic.
  • Mercury-UI Studio (comercial)
    Por Coalesys.
  • Sothink DHTML Menu (comercial/gratuito)
    Easy builder to create JavaScript cross browser menus. Por Sothink.
    Sothink DHTML Menu Builder - Free Version. Sothink DHTML Menu [2], Sothink Tree Menu.
  • ADxMenu
    Menu din�mico sem�ntico, multi n�vel e cheio de recursos. Ele � um constante trabalho em andamento, com o principal objetivo de cria��o de um menu poderoso usando somente listas aninhadas. Contempla tanto menu vertical quanto horizontal.
    O ADxMenu consiste em uma biblioteca JavaScript (ADxMenu.js), acrescida de mais dois plug-ins: o comportamento criado por Peter Nederlof para IE, que simula o estilo CSS hover para qualquer elemento no Internet Explorer, mais a biblioteca WCH - Windowed Control Hider, que suplanta a falha do Internet Explorer em exibir controles de janela (como o elemento SELECT) por sobre layers.
    Por Aleksandar Vacic, web developer, vivendo em Belgrado, S�rvia. Conte�do licenciado sob a Creative Commons License. (Alguns direitos reservados).
    ADxMenu v4 - flyout (drop-down) menu, 2006-12.
  • HierMenus CENTRAL - Hierarquical Menus Script
    By DHTML Lab.
  • DHTML - Revenge of the Menu Bar
    Por Mike Hall,
    Navigation menu bar, pop-up menus.
  • Tree Menu - DHTML Treeview
    Controle web de árvore DHTML/JavaScript multi-browser. Gratuito.
    Layouts baseados em frame ou não. Opções: personalizar ícones de pasta e documento, quebrar texto do nodo em múltiplas linhas, destacar o nodo selecionado, persistência do estado da árvore entre cargas da página, estado aberto/dechado mantido separadamente para múltiplas árvores. Desempenho rápido, suporta todos os principais browsers/versões/platformas, projeto modular. Integração opcional com servidor: navegação lado-servidor por arquivos e diretórios, ou conexão com bancos de dados.
  • DHTML Kitchen - User Interface
    • AnimTree: a menu tree script that features animated opening and closing of menus. Compatible with Mozilla1+/Netscape6+, MSIE 5+ Mac & Win, Safari, Konqueror; degrades to non-dhtml browsers. Highly customizable with images or CSS.
    • GlideMenu: a menu system that features time-based animation. The menus will open at the same speed regardless of platform or browser. Works in NS4, IE5, Mozilla, Safari, and Opera 7; degrades to other browsers. Its not the easiest menu to setup, but it is more customizable than other menus online.
    • Tabs: how to add a degradable tabbed panel system to your page.
  • Morten's JavaScript Tree Menu
    By Morten Wang. A primeira versão do Tree menu (Dezembro 1998) foi baseada no menu BrainJar de Mike Hall. Os dois menus não mais tem muito em comum, pois o menu de Morten teve recursos adicionados, a maioria do código re-escrito e várias mudanças.
  • Milonic JavaScript DHTML Navigational Menu
    DHTML Cross Browser Javascript Popup Menu, by Milonic Solutions. Work well with Microsoft IE 4+, Netscape 4.x & 6.x+, Mozilla 0.9.x, Opera 5, 6 & 7.
    Também como
  • The JavaScript Menu Component
    Creating Cross-Browser Dynamic HTML Menus.
    By Gary Smith, Netscape View Source Online Magazine. Framed view.
  • Swiping Menu Builder for DreamWeaver
    O Swiping Menu Builder é uma extensão comercial para Macromedia DreamWeaver/UltraDev que permite criar rapidamente sistemas de menu pop-up que têm o recurso agregado de deslizarem para surgir e desaparecer. A extensão provê muitas opções configuráveis para controlar a aparência e posicionamento dos menus. Tanto menu popup vertical quanto horizontal podem ser criados usando esta extensão. A extensão é compatível com IE4, IE5, IE5.5, IE6, NS4, NS6 e mozilla e também é compatível com IE5+ e NS4, NS6 em Macintosh.
  • Google Directory: JavaScript Site Navigation
  • Programming-X: Treeview DHTML software

Editores Rich-text (WYSIWYG) para Web

  • htmlArea is a directory of browser based wysiwyg editor components for use in CMS (content management software) and other web software.
    Both Mozilla (includes FireFox) and Internet Explorer include a way to make sections of a page editable. IE has the MSHTML Editing Platform (old DHTML Editing Component IE5), and Mozilla has Midas Rich Text Editing API.
    Many editors are implemented in JavaScript. Others use Java, ActiveX, Flash, browser plugins or other means. Some are free or open-source; others are commercial.
    The purpose of this site is to keep track of all the different browser based wysiwyg editors out there, and give developers a place to discuss them (see our discussion forums).
  • FCKEditor
    FCKEditor is an Open Source HTML text editor that brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of desktop editors like MS Word. It's lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer. FCKeditor is compatible with most internet browsers which include: IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+.
  • TinyMCE
    TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into CMS systems.
  • HTMLArea, the Web-based editor
    HTMLArea is a free, customizable online editor. It works inside your browser. It uses a non-standard feature implemented in Internet Explorer 5.5 or better for Windows and Mozilla 1.3 or better (any platform), therefore it will only work in one of these browsers. HTMLArea is copyright and and it is released under a BSD-style license.
  • Cross-Browser Rich Text Editor (RTE)
    The cross-browser rich-text editor (RTE) is based on the designMode() functionality introduced in Internet Explorer 5, and implemented in Mozilla 1.3+ using the Mozilla Rich Text Editing API. The cross-browser rich-text editor includes table support as well as an option to generate XHTML-compliant code. This tool is public domain, created by Kevin Roth.
  • XStandard
    XStandard is a leading standards-compliant plug-in WYSIWYG editor for Windows desktop applications and browser-based content management systems (IE/Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape).
    The editor generates clean XHTML Strict or 1.1, uses CSS for formatting, and ensures the clean separation of content from presentation. Markup generated by XStandard meets the most demanding accessibility requirements. The editor's cool features include drag & drop file upload, spell checking and an image library that integrates tightly with your CMS.
    XStandard Lite is free for commercial use. XStandard Pro is commercial. XStandard features chart.
  • Ekit
    Ekit is a free open source Java HTML editor applet and application. The Ekit standalone also allows for HTML to be loaded and saved, as well as serialized and saved as an RTF. It is approaching its first production release version.
  • Kupu
    Kupu is a 'document-centric' open source client-side editor for Mozilla, Netscape and Internet Explorer. Inspired by Maik Jablonski's Epoz editor, it was written by Paul Everitt, Guido Wesdorp and Philipp von Weitershausen (and several other contributors). Kupu can be easily integrated into a variety of CMS. Currently there is integration code for Zope 2, Silva, Plone and Apache Lenya.
  • skyWriter WYSIWYG visual editors
    From skyBuilders. WYSIWYG Editing in Internet Explorer.

Calendário - Seletor de Data

Exibi��o de Imagens e Sobreposi��es (Overlays)

  • Lightbox JS
    Por Lokesh Dhakar. Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.
  • Highslide JS
    Javascript thumbnail viewer por Torstein Hønsi. Highslide JS is an open source JavaScript software, offering a Web 2.0 approach to popup windows. It streamlines the use of thumbnail images and HTML popups on web pages. The library offers these features and advantages: No plugins (like Flash or Java) required. Popup blockers are no problem; the content expands within the active browser window. Single click; after opening the image or HTML popup, the user can scroll further down or leave the page without closing it. Compatibility and safe fallback; if the user has disabled JavaScript or is using an old browser, the browser redirects directly to the image itself or to a fallback HTML page.
  • Lightview
    Por Nick Stakenburg. Lightview was built to change the way you overlay content on a website. Clean: Designed to compliment your content. Fast: Smart image preloading. Easy: Customizable without having to know CSS. Rounded: Adjustable rounded corners, no PNG images required. Smart: Content resizes to always fit on your screen. Slideshow: One button slideshow. Works on all modern browsers.
  • mooZoom
    Por R'born web development. mooZoom is an unobtrusive javascript utility that allows you to zoom an image in the desired point using mouse-scroll. mooZoom does not break the layout of the page and it's cross-bowser (ie, opera, firefox, safari).
  • 16 Free JavaScript Solutions for Displaying Your Images
    Por Jacob Gube, 2008-05-03, Six Revision blog - Useful Information for Web Developers and Designers.

Outros Componentes & Bibliotecas DHTML Úteis

  • Dynarch
    Desenvolvedores de diversos componentes DHTML de alta qualidade, comerciais, gratuitos e open-source.
  • DynAPI: Cross-Browser DHTML Library
    A DynAPI é uma biblioteca JavaScript multi-browser usada para criar componentes HTML Dinâmico em uma página web. DynAPI foi criada por Dan Steinman e tem a contribuição de muitos; ela é distribuída nos termos da licença GNU LGPL.
    DynAPI Documentation Center: Tutoriais, FAQ, Help Center, Documentação da API.
    The Dynamic Duo - Cross-Browser Dynamic HTML. By Dan Steinman.
  • Dynamic Drive
    "DHTML scripts for the real world". DHTML (dynamic html) & JavaScript code library: Menus & Navigation, Document effects, Scrollers, Links & tooltips, General Images, Dynamic Clocks & dates, Image Slideshows, Dynamic Content, Mouseover Images, Mouse Trail effects, Form effects, Text animations, Browser Window, DHTML Games, User/ System Preferences, other.
  • Chromeless Window
    By - experimental arts media inspiration.
  • JavaScript Timer