Programming - Index
- Software
Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Systems Integration,
Information Architecture, Interactivity, Usability and Accessibility,
Books on these Software areas.
- Software Engineering
Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Design Patterns,
Agile Development, Extreme Programming.
- Usability
Usability, Accessibility, Interactivity, User Interface
and Ergonomy.
- Tools
Source Code/Text Editors, Integrated Development Environments (IDE),
Software Build & Make, Installation Generators, Version Control,
Executable Compression, System & File Utilities, LEX & YACC.
- Java
Sun Java Technology, The Java programming language, Java Documentation,
information, tutorials and samples, Books, Software for Java development,
Java SDK's, Java APIs, Certification.
- C & C++
C & C++, GCC, Code Beautifiers for C/C++.
- Dynamic Languages
Ruby, Python, Perl, TCL (Tool Command Language) / Tk Toolkit.
Microsoft Visual Basic (VB).
- Delphi & Kylix
Borland Delphi & Kylix, Components, libraries and repositories,
Tutorials, Books, Utilities.
- Windows
Software programming for Microsoft Windows Platforms.
- Palm
Software programming for handhelds based on Palm OS Platform.
- Bibliotecas & Drivers
Repositories and Search for Libraries & DLLs,
Windows Drivers, File Formats & Extensions.
- PC Hardware
PC Hardware, CPU, Peripherals, Utilities.
The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
This WWW page is intended to serve as a comprehensive collection of
algorithm implementations for over seventy of the most fundamental
problems in combinatorial algorithms. The problem taxonomy,
implementations, and supporting material are all drawn from book
The Algorithm Design Manual. Since the practical person is more often
looking for a program than an algorithm, they provide pointers to solid
implementations of useful algorithms, when they are available.
- Developer.com
A leading source for technical information, resources for programmers and developers.
Articles, .NET, Development Techniques, Downloads, Java, Open Source Development,
Languages & Tools, Scripting Languages, VB, C++, Web Resources, XML.
Also as EarthWeb SoftwareDev.
By EarthWeb, a division of INT Media Group (internet.com).
Dr. Dobb's Journal (DDJ)
Script Locker
Free CGI Scripts, Java Scripts, ASP/VB, Perl, ActiveX controls, Java Applets.
Google Web Directory: Programming
Yahoo! Directory: Programming and Development
- About.com Programming Guides
About.com Guides (Formerly The Mining Company)
> Computing & Technology
> Programming.
Programming Tutorials
"Your link to online programming tutorials"
Ada, Assembly/ASM, ASP, C, C++, CGI, COBOL, Delphi, HTML, Java, JavaScript,
Perl, Phyton, QBasic, SQL, Visual Basic, VRML, General.
Code Box
The huge programming & coding guide.
ActiveX, ASP, Assembly, C/C++, Caml, CGI, ColdFusion, Delphi,
DHTML / CSS, Flash, Game Programming, Graphics programming, Haskell,
HTML, Java, Javascript, Lisp, Perl, PHP, Postscript, Prolog, Python,
Shell scripting, Smalltalk, Sound & Music Programming, SQL,
VBScript, Visual Basic, VRML, WAP, XML / XHTML, Programming newsgroups,
Other programming related websites.
By Box Network.
Dev·X - The Development Exchange