Ambiente Integrado de Desenvolvolvimento (IDE)




  • Dev-C++
    Para Windows 95 e superior. Dev-C++ é Software Livre distribuído sob a GNU General Public License (GPL). Rapidamente cria programas Windows em janela ou console, bibliotecas estáticas e DLLs. Suporta compiladores baseados em GCC, Integrated debugging (using GDB), Class Browser (experimental), Code Completion (experimental), Project Manager, Customizable syntax highlighting editor, Support of templates for creating your own project types, Makefile creation, Edit and compile Resource files, Tool Manager, Print support, Find and replace facilities, Package manager (installation of add-on libraries), CVS Support, To-Do List, CPU Window.
  • Open Watcom C/C++ and Fortran compiler - Portable Compilers and Tools
    Open Watcom is a joint effort between SciTech Software Inc, Sybase, and the Open Source development community to maintain and enhance the Sybase Watcom C/C++ and Fortran compiler products. Plans for Open Watcom include porting the compiler to the Linux and FreeBSD platforms, as well as updating the compilers to support the latest C and C++ ANSI standards. In a single package, Open Watcom C/C++ and FORTRAN provides a comprehensive development environment with the integrated development environment (IDE), compiler and tools, SDK's, and libraries you need to create powerful 16- and 32- bit applications for popular PC platforms: 16 and 32-bit DOS & OS/2, Windows 3.1, Win32s, Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT/2000/XP, Novell NLM.
  • Anjuta Integrated Development Environment
    Anjuta is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and C++ on GNU/Linux. It has been written for GTK/GNOME and features a number of advanced programming facilities. These include project management, application wizards, an on-board interactive debugger, and a powerful source editor with source browsing and syntax highlighting.
    On 9th November 2001, the Anjuta and gIDE projects have merged.

Compilador & Ferramentas de Compilação



  • Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 (BCC)
    Free Download. Borland C++ Command Line Tools: Borland C++ Compiler v5.5 (bcc32), Turbo Incremental Linker (tlink32), Borland Resource Compiler / Binder (brc32, brcc32), C++ Win32 Preprocessor (cpp32), ANSI/OEM character set file conversion (fconvert), Import Definitions utility - information about DLLs (impdef), Import Library utility to create import libraries from DLLs (implib), Borland Turbo Dump to structurally analyse EXE, OBJ and LIB files (tdump), Librarian for symbol case-conversion, creating extended libraries (tlib).
    C++Builder Downloads page.
    Borland Developer Network (BDN) Downloads.
  • Borland Developer Network (BDN) Museum
    Free downloads of discountinued Borland products: Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Turbo C++. Requer registro no site, gratuito.
  • MinGW: Minimalist GNU For Windows
    MinGW é uma coleção de cabeçalhos e bibliotecas de importação que possibilitam usar GCC e produzir programas Windows 32-bits nativos que não dependem de nenhuma DLL de terceiros. No nível básico, MinGW permite aos programas modo-console (prompt texto) usar a biblioteca C runtime (CRT) Microsoft padrão MSVCRT.DLL. Já o pacote win32api permite o uso da Win32 API.
    MinGW and MSYS Download: File List & Installation.
    SourceForge MinGW Packages Download: File List.
    Mingw32 foi criado por Colin Peters, e seu primeiro compilador nativo por Jan-Jaap van der Heijden; depois passou a ser mantido e desenvolvido por Mumit Khan. Em 2000, Mingw32 se tornou um projeto de desenvolvimento OpenSource mantido na SourceForge - MinGW Project.
  • Cygwin
    Criado pela Cygnus Solutions. Mantido na RedHat Sources.
    As ferramentas Cygwin são adaptação open-source das populares ferramentas e utilitários GNU de desenvolvimento portadas para Windows 95, 98, e NT. Elas funcionam utilizando a biblioteca Cygwin que provê uma API similar à do UNIX em cima da Win32 API. Cygwin provê portanto uma "emulação" da API POSIX sob ambiente Win32, adequada para quem quer portar rapidamente código C do UNIX no padrão POSIX para Windows 32-bit..
    DJGPP is a complete 32-bit C/C++ development system for Intel 80386 (and higher) PCs running DOS. It includes ports of many GNU development utilities. By DJ Delorie, Delorie Software.
    Simtel.Net djgpp Archive.
  • lcc-Win32
    lcc-win32: A free compiler system for Windows by Jacob Navia. Based on the "original screenplay" of Dave Hanson and Chris Fraser: A portable C compiler.



Assembly - Linguagem de Montagem

Software Build & Make

  • GNU Make
    GNU Savannah Project Info - make. By Savannah, central web site for GNU Software development.
    GNU Make online documentation.
  • Apache Ant
    Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like Make, but without Make's wrinkles. Why another build tool when there is already make, gnumake, nmake, jam, and others? Because all those tools have limitations that Ant's original author couldn't live with when developing software across multiple platforms. Ant is different. Instead of a model where it is extended with shell-based commands, Ant is extended using Java classes. Instead of writing shell commands, the configuration files are XML-based, calling out a target tree where various tasks get executed. Each task is run by an object that implements a particular Task interface.
    • Jera Ant Tasks
      The Jera Ant Tasks are additional tasks for the Jakart Ant build tool. They were originally written by Jera Design for internal use, and are now made available to the public under the terms of the Common Public License.
    • Antenna - Ant tasks for Wireless Java development
      Antenna provides a set of Ant tasks suitable for developing wireless Java applications targeted at the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). SourceForge Project.
  • NAnt - Not Ant
    Not Ant (NAnt) is like Ant, but uses C# and .NET technologies. Freeware.
  • Want: Delphi-friendly build management tool
    Want é uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de compilação (build) adaptada ao Delphi. Want foi inspirada na ferramenta Jakarta Ant, mas ajustada para torná-la rápida e integrável ao Delphi. Want foi escrita em Delphi. Por Juancarlo Añez, Venezuela.
  • MSDN - Microsoft Visual Studio Developer Center: Tools & Utilities
    NMAKE 1.4 on Windows 95 Won't Stop on Errors: Artigo da Base de Dados da Microsoft - 132084. Download Microsoft Visual C++ nmake 1.5.
    Visual C++ 6.0 Processor Pack Download.
  • Lucent nmake Product Builder
  • JMK - Make in Java
    A make program written in Java, featuring a traditional make description language and shell command target actions. By John D. Ramsdell.
    JMK SourceForge Project.
  • Dmake (Distributed Make)
    Dmake (Distributed Make) is a generic parallel make utility designed to speed up the process of compiling large packages. As it is distributed via FTP, Dmake is designed for use with DQS, but can also be easily used as a standalone parallel make utility (separate from DQS), and can reduce compilation times for large packages on the order of 75%.
  • Google Directory: Software Build Management
    Build Manager Tools, Make Tools, Makefile Generators, Resources.

Automação de Makefile

  • The Universal Makefile
    "The only Makefile you will ever need". By Geotechnical Software Services. A cross-platform (MS-Windows, Linux, UNIX) makefile for a wide range of programming languages and tools (Java, C, C++, Fortran, Rmi, Javadoc, Makedepend etc.). Suitable for single file projects and scalable to multi-million file projects. The Makefile is written once and for all; no further editing required. The file is well-organized and suitable as an example for learning GnuMake.
  • Learning Autoconf and Automake
    A tutorial for helping programmers getting started with GNU autoconf and automake.
  • GNU Automake
    Automake is a tool for automatically generating Makefiles compliant with the GNU Coding Standards.
  • GNU Autoconf
    Autoconf is an extensible package of m4 macros that produce shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages. These scripts can adapt the packages to many kinds of UNIX-like systems without manual user intervention. Autoconf creates a configuration script for a package from a template file that lists the operating system features that the package can use, in the form of m4 macro calls.
    Producing configuration scripts using Autoconf requires GNU m4. Some optional utilities that come with Autoconf use Perl.
  • GNU Libtool - The GNU Portable Library Tool
    GNU libtool is a generic library support script. Libtool hides the complexity of using shared libraries behind a consistent, portable interface.
  • GNU m4
    GNU m4 is an implementation of the traditional Unix macro processor. GNU m4 is maintained by René Seindal.
  • Software Portability with imake
    IMAKE O'Reilly book, by Paul DuBois.
    Code Examples download. imake Book Archive.
  • CMake: Cross Platform Make
    CMake is a cross-platform, open-source make system. CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice.

Geradores de Instalação

  • Wise Solutions (comercial)
    Anteriormente Great Lakes Business Solutions. Soluções de distribuição e instalação de software para desenvolvedores de software e administradores de sistema.
    Wise Solutions Knowledgebase, Wise TechInfo! Newsletter, Wise Newsgroups, Wise Resource Center.
    • Wise for Windows Installer: baseado na tecnologia Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI).
    • Wise Installation System: poderosa e fácil ferramenta de instalação baseada em script.
    • Wise for Visual Studio .NET: opera dentro da interface do Visual Studio, com toda funcionalidade do Wise Installation.
    • Wise Package Studio: gerenciamento de distribuição de aplicações para administradores de sistema.
  • InstallShield (comercial)
    Pioneira no desenvolvimento de ferramentas para instalação de software. Incorporou o wINSTALL by Knowledge Dynamics.
    • InstallShield Developer: solução poderosa e flixível para autoria de instalações Windows Installer.
    • InstallShield Professional: instalações baseadas em script (sem MSI).
    • InstallShield Express: ferramenta fácil para instalação, com integração ao Visual Studio .NET integration (Borland, FoxPro, ToolBook e outras ferramentas de programação/autoria incluem Edições Limitadas).
  • NSIS - Nullsoft Scriptable (SuperPiMP) Install System (livre)
    Generates self contained, win32 executable installer. Uninstall support, installer self-verification using a CRC32, 3 compression methods (ZLib, BZip2, LZMA from 7-zip), Customizable appearance, Multiple install configurations, Fully multilingual. Totalmente gratuito para qualquer uso.
    NSIS at Nullsoft. Projeto SourceForge: NSIS.
    NSIS FAQ. Download Files.
    NSIS Archive - Archive Downloads.
    • HM NIS EDIT: A Free NSIS Editor/IDE (código aberto).
    • Venis IX (gratuito para uso pessoal/não-comercial).
  • Inno Setup (livre)
    Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability. Support for all 32-bit Windows versions, creation of a single EXE to install your program (for easy on-line distribution) or disk spanning, integrated support for "deflate", bzip2, and 7-Zip LZMA file compression, integrated Pascal scripting engine, multilingual installs, complete uninstall capabilities, silent install and uninstall. Full source code is available (Borland Delphi 2.0-5.0).
    Inno Setup QuickStart Pack download includes third-party add-ons ISTool IDE and Inno Setup Preprocessor.
  • Multi Install (livre)
    Multi Install is an advanced cd/dvd menu authoring system for your own creations. A "Multi Installer" is an install program that can install multiple programs from the same menu. Multi Install is Free Software so you may run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software.
  • Ghost Installer (comercial/gratuito)
    Por Ethalone Solutions. Ghost Installer Studio: Professional, WebDeploy, e Standard. Ghost Installer Free Edition: é um ambiente de desenvolvimento de instalações estruturado em XML que tem como base a Plataforma Ghost Installer. A Edição Gratuita possui um importante recurso: a API de Plug-Ins, que permite que qualquer desenvolvedor construa funcionalidade adicional para o instalador.
  • CreateInstall (comercial/gratuito)
    CreateInstall, CE Light, CE FREE.
  • Advanced Installer (comercial/gratuito)
    Por Caphyon Ltd. Advanced Installer - Features by Edition: Freeware, Professional, For Java, Enterprise.
  • CyberInstaller Suite (comercial/gratuito para pacotes freeware)
    By SilverCyberTech. Includes CyberInstaller Studio. Free/Personal for freeware software, Professional.
  • SetupBuilder (comercial)
    Features by Edition: Developer, Professional.
  • Windows Installer FAQ
    By - The Application Deployment Information Center.
  • Setup Factory (comercial)
    By Indigo Rose Software.
    AutoPlay Media Studio: criação de menus AutoRun profissionais para seus CD-ROMs.
  • INF-Tool for Win32
    The special Setup Program and INF Generator for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Lite version now FREE for personal use. By Richard Fellner,
  • MFC Pro Product Gallery - Installation

Compactação de Executáveis