C & C++
C/C++ Reference
General C/C++, Standard C Library, C++, C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
cplusplus.com - The C++ resources network
Information, Documents, Reference, Sources, Forums.
C++ Reference:
C standard library, iostream library, STL (Standard Template Library).
SWIG: Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
SWIG é uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento que conecta programas escritos
em C e C++ com linguagens de script como Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby, Tcl/Tk,
bem como Java, C#, Eiffel, e outras linguagens de alto-nível.
Veja a Compatibilidade com
Plataformas e Linguagens do SWIG.
Ele trabalha como um compilador configurável de interface,
tomando as declarações encontradas nos arquivos de
cabeçalho C/C++ e usando-as para gerar um código
envoltório (wrapper) que linguagens de script
necessitam para acessar código nativo C/C++.
The C++ Programming Language
By Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++.
C++ is a general purpose programming language with a bias towards systems
programming, that is a great evolution of C, supporting data abstraction,
object-oriented programming and all-purpose programming.
C++ FAQ LITE - Frequently Asked Questions
Por Marshall Cline, desde 1991.
comp.lang.c++ Newsgroup FAQs by FAQs.org.
#C++ Website
This site serves as a navigator for the C++ programming language
and Object Oriented Methodology resources found on the Internet.
C++ Programming HOW-TO
By Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan),
The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP).
This document provides a comprehensive list of C++ URL pointers,
links to C++ online textbooks, and programming tips on C++.
This document also provides a C++ library which imitates Java-language,
and which has various methods to avoid memory problems in C++.
C++ HOW-TO @ FAQs.org,
C++ HOW-TO @ OOPweb.com.
Available C++ Libraries FAQ
By Trumphurst Ltd., U.K.
PURL: C++Libraries.
Contém detalhes de mais de 150 bibliotecas C++ distintas
(tanto de domínio público quanto comerciais) disponíveis
para programadores C++.
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Tutorial by Peter Müller, Globewide Network Academy (GNA), 1997.
The C++ Annotations
By Frank B. Brokken, University of Groningen, 1994-1992.
Google Directory: Programming Languages: C++
GNU C/C++ (GCC/G++)
GCC - GNU Compiler Collection
GCC é a GNU Compiler Collection (Coleção de Compiladores GNU),
que atualmente contém front-ends para
C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, and Ada, bem como as bibliotecas para estas
linguagens (libstdc++, libgcj,...).
Endereço alternativo:
GNU Software: GCC.
CrossGCC Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ da lista crossgcc, que discute aspectos de uso do GCC como um
Guile GNU Project
Guile is an interpreter for application extension scripting/programming language.
GCC for Windows/DOS
GCC portados para Windows: MinGW (Win32 nativo) & Cygwin (POSIX API).
Port para DOS: DJGPP.
- GNU C Library - glibc
Frequently Asked Questions about the GNU C Library,
compiled by Ulrich Drepper, Red Hat.
utility to convert FAQs in GNU C Library FAQ format to HTML and XHTML.
Formatadores de Código
C-C++ Beautifier HOW-TO
By Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan),
The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP).
This document will help you to format (beautify) the C/C++ programs so
that it is more readable and confirms to your site C/C++ coding standards.
The information in this document applies to all the operating sytems.
BCPP - C(++) Beautifier
bcpp indents C/C++ source programs, replacing tabs with spaces or the reverse.
Unlike indent, it does (by design) not attempt to wrap long statements.
bcpp was written by Steven De Toni and improved by
Thomas E. Dickey.
Artistic Style
A Free, Fast and Small Automatic Indentation Filter for C, C++, C#,
Java Source Codes, by Tal Davidson, Israel.
Projeto SourceForge: astyle.
indent++ beautifier of C/C++ source code. indent++ is a software project to
perhaps replace GNU indent and allow it to be extendable to other languages,
specifically C++.
GNU indent
The GNU indent program can be used to make code easier to read.
It can also convert from one style of writing C to another.
indent understands a substantial amount about the syntax of C,
but it also attempts to cope with incomplete and misformed syntax.
Indent Code Beautification: home page for the GNU indent tool
by David Ingamells, releases and documentation.