Windows Programming
MSDN - Microsoft Developer Network
Google Directory: Windows Programming
#winprog - EFNet IRC Windows Programming Channel
#WiNpRoG is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel on EFNet dedicated to
Windows programming. Win32 API C/C++, MFC, and many other of the latest
programming topics are discussed here.
SysInternals Freeware
The Sysinternals web site provides you with advanced utilities, technical
information, and source code related to Windows 9x, Windows Me, and Windows
NT/2000 internals that you won't find anywhere else. Mark Russinovich and
Bryce Cogswell alone write and update everything here.
The Code Project
The Code Project - Free Source Code and Tutorials. Your place for
free Visual C++ and MFC, C# and .NET articles, code snippets,
discussions, news and the best bunch of developers on the net.
COM/DCOM/COM+, MFC, Clipboard, Doc/View, Debug tips, Database, DLLs,
Files & Folders, Internet & Network, Macros & Add-ins,
Printing, Samples, String, System, Threads, Processes & IPC,
Programming Tips, Free Tools, Shell Programming, Date & Time,
WinHelp/HTMLHelp, Libraries, Multimedia, Platforms, Web Scripting.
- CodeGuru
Visual C++ / MFC / C++, .NET (C# and more), Visual Basic.
By EarthWeb,
a division of INT Media Group (internet.com).
- DevArchive.Com
Delphi, C++ Builder, Kylix & Visual Basic. Archives, Books, Forums.
- MVPs.org
This is your jumping off point to a number of interesting offerings
being provided for you by a few folks associated with the Microsoft Most
Valuable Professional (MVP) program.
Unix Tools for Windows
Windows ports of GCC: MinGW (Win32 nativo) & Cygwin (POSIX API).
ActiveState - great focus on open language-based development software
and resources for Windows: Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, XSLT.
Windows Networking
NDIS Developer's Reference
Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defines a standard API for
"Network Interface Cards" (NIC's) hardware on Microsoft Windows platforms,
to be used as a common programming interface by the "Media Access Controller"
(MAC) device drivers as well as higher level protocol drivers (such as TCP/IP).
NDIS White Papers, NDIS FAQ, Knowledge Base, Internet Resources.
- Sockets
Windows Sockets (WinSock) Development Information.
Most of site material comes out of the book Windows Sockets Network
Programming, which provides a detailed introduction, and complete reference
to WinSock versions 1.1 and 2.0. By Bob Quinn.
Winsock Programmer's FAQ
Maintained by Warren Young, up to September 2001.
Windows Technical Magazines