TeX & LaTeX
TeX � um sistema de tipografia, criado pelo prof. Donald E. Knuth, para elabora��o eletr�nica de documentos, especialmente escritos cient�ficos e t�cnicos como artigos e livros acad�micos. Knuth diz que TeX � “voltado para a cria��o de lindos livros — especialmente aqueles que cont�m muita matem�tica”.
LaTeX, originalmente escrito em 1984 por Leslie Lamport, � uma linguagem de marca��o e um sistema de prepara��o de documentos para o sistema de tipografia TeX. Livres e gratuitos, LaTeX e TeX s�o amplamente usados no meio acad�mico, oferecendo recursos e qualidade do resultado final ainda dificilmente equiparados por modernos programas visuais de editora��o de texto como Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer etc.
- LaTeX - A document preparation system
Tex-Br [Em Portugu�s]
Reposit�rio de conhecimento sobre o TeX, o LaTeX e assuntos relacionados. -
CTAN - The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network � um respeit�vel reposit�rio de material relacionado a TeX and LaTeX typesetting systems. Iniciantes podem ver What TeX, LaTeX, and friends are e uma introdu��o sobre Starting out with them.
The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX (PDF, 153 p); por Tobias Oetiker; Vers�o 4.20, 31 maio 2006; download: HTTP, FTP. -
TeX - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LaTeX - From Wikipedia.
Computer Modern is the family of typefaces used by default by the typesetting program TeX, created by Donald Knuth with his METAFONT program. -
LaTeX, from Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection.
This is a guide to the LaTeX markup language. It is intended that this can serve as a useful resource for everyone from new users who wish to learn, to old hands who need a quick reference. -
TeX Users Group (TUG)
History of TeX. -
(La)TeX Navigator
A (La)TeX encyclopaedia, em LORIA. -
LaTeX Primer - Getting Started with LaTeX
By David R. Wilkins, 2nd Edition, 1995. -
Beginning LaTeX
LaTeX Tutorial by Denise Moore, Cornell University. -
Hypertext Help with LaTeX
Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), NASA, New York. -
Text Processing using LaTeX
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK. -
LaTeX Math Symbols
Prepared by L. Kocbach, on the basis of document by David Carlisle, Manchester University.
TeX Software
- teTeX
teTeX is a complete TeX distribution for UNIX compatible systems, maintained by Thomas Esser. It is based on the web2c distribution which is currently maintained by Olaf Weber. -
MiKTeX is an up-to-date TeX implementation for the Windows operating system. -
Mac OS X TeX/LaTeX Web Site
Created by Gary L. Gray and Joseph C. Slater as a service to the Macintosh TeX community.
TeX on Mac OS X. - LyX Document Processor
TrueTeX � uma implementa��o profissional implementation doe TeX typesetting system para Windows. Comercial.
TeX Fontes
Computer Modern Unicode (CMU) fonts
Computer Modern Unicode fonts were converted from Metafont sources using mftrace with autotrace backend and FontForge. Their main purpose is to create free good quality fonts for use in applications supporting many languages. Available in OpenType format (OTF), compatible with Unix/Linux X and Windows 2000+, and others for free download.
Created by Andrey V. Panov, Russia. -
The Latin Modern (LM) Family of Fonts
Projeto mantido pelo GUST, Grupo de Usu�rios do Sistema TeX da Pol�nia.
As fontes Latin Modern s�o derivadas das fontes Computer Modern criadas por Donald E. Knuth e publicadas pela primeira vez pela American Matematical Society (AMS) em 1997. As fontes LM incluem v�rios conjuntos de caracteres baseados no Latino, a maioria europeus, mas tamb�m outros como Vietnamita.
A fam�lia Latin Modern � constitu�da por 72 fontes texto, mais 20 fontes matem�ticas. A fam�lia � distribu�da na forma de um conjunto de fontes Postscript Type1 e conjuntos de arquivos de m�trica TEX para diversas codifica��es de caractere. As fontes tamb�m est�o dispon�veis no formato Open Type (OTF), prontas para uso em processadores de documentos WYSIWYG populares.
As fontes Latin Modern s�o lan�adas sob a GUST Font License (GFL), que � licen�a livre, legalmente equivalente � LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), vers�o 1.3c ou posterior. -
TrueTeX Free Downloads (for TeX Experts)
UM Fonts: 9 TrueType fonts in Windows ANSI encoding providing TeX typefaces (Roman, Typewriter) for non-TeX applications.
Belleek fonts: public-domain Type 1 and TrueType fonts which are drop-in replacements for the proprietary fonts used by the LaTeX mathtime package. Belleek: A Call for METAFONT Revival. - CTAN: TeX archive: fonts
RTF - Rich Text Format
Rich Text Format (RTF) Specification, Version 1.6
By Microsoft Corporation, Maio 1999.
Microsoft Developer Network - MSDN Online Library. -
Word 2002 Documentation: Rich Text Format Specification, Version 1.7
Download: W2KRTFSF.exe (English), Microsoft, Agosto 2001. - Download:
Rich Text Format (RTF) Addendum: Spec. for Word 97 (GC1282.exe)
Outubro 1999, Base de Conhecimento Microsoft, KB# 164472. - Artigos da Base de Conhecimento (KB) Microsoft - RTF:
1 Word Place
1WordPlace.com - Microsoft Word Tips, Word Templates, Microsoft Word Books and much more.